About Us


Charger Your Life By Sun!


Charger Your Life By Sun!

Solarchargerpro” makes products that produce and store their own power to run your electronics anywhere. We are based in China and ship directly to customers and our partners worldwide from warehouses in Australia.

We develop stress-free products which aim to support your active lifestyle. Our solar chargers utilize natural light to create renewable energy which can then be used to power gadgets such as mobile phones, multimedia players, GPS devices and more.

You will no longer need to worry about running out of charge when you own one of our products. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you'll have your own source of power with you.

We are passionate about the quality of our products and about the gadgets we support. Extensive research, intense development and rigorous testing ensure that our products are of the highest quality and meet the needs of our customers.

Remember an educated consumer is a smart buyer. Use our Product Directory, tutorials, search bar or links to travel around and learn. We are always interested in your comments regarding our website, and if you have problems please let us know.

After you order, we want to hear: “The products you sold me actually work as well as you claim.

Be sure to bookmark our home page for return visits as our company adds more products and information frequently.

Thanks and happy shopping,


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